A Mini Gas Plasma Source?


Just a quick bit of news. Early next year Meaglow will be offering a mini hollow cathode plasma source for researchers who want to build small plasma deposition systems for growing films on test strips and small wafers. That’s the main idea, but we would be interested in hearing about other potential uses. The new sources will operate with a maximum RF power of between 50 and 100 watts and will be based on NW16 fittings for the high vacuum version (the Series 16) and 1.33″ conflat fittings for the ultra-high vacuum version (an addition to our UHV series).

Meaglow already offers some of the most cost effective gas plasma sources on the market, our Series 50 being a good example. However, a smaller price will be attached to these mini plasma sources, and we may have an option for a low cost RF supply as well.

Contact Meaglow at info@meaglow.com if you’re interested.