18 new ALD and CVD related hollow cathode papers added to the list!


With our new Meaglow website, we’ve finally been able to update the listings of ALD and CVD hollow cathode related journal papers. 18 new entries have been included, including electron irradiation related results from Linkoping University using some home made sources; some fundamental studies of hollow cathode plasma sources for ALD by US Naval Research; some interesting work on beta phase gallium oxide by the University of Connecticut; several CVD indium and gallium nitride publications by Georgia State University; more high-qualitysilicon nitride work by the University of Texas, Dallas, as well as several other nitride related papers, including those of Bilkent University.

Although we’ve included as many as we could find, there are probably others that we’ve missed, please email our chief scientist, Dr. Scott Butcher at sbutcher@meaglow.com if you have more to add!